724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127
724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127

Member Spotlight: Christina (Tina) Neuch

By Mario 0

Getting to Know Tina:

How long have you done Crossfit?

6 months

What’s your favorite movement?

Cleans and deadlifts…it’s a tie.

How many days a week do you do Crossfit?

Usually 5

What’s your favorite song to workout to?

Anything Nelly or early 00’s rap.

Let’s get personal:

What has Crossfit changed most about your life?

Like everyone who is involved in Crossfit, I am more confident, feel stronger, feel healthier, and am finding I’m more capable of physical activity than ever before.  The other change for me is that I’m finding myself less and less anxious every day.  As a person who is/was struggling with anxiety, I would frequently feel overwhelmed with simple daily tasks. I didn’t have very much self-confidence or respect for myself.  When my roommate joined Crossfit I saw an instant change in her; physically and mentally.  I knew that I needed a change too.  I went with her a couple weeks after she started and I couldn’t believe how much I loved it (or how sore muscles could get)!  As the weeks went by,  I noticed that my days were going smoother.  I wasn’t feeling nervous as frequently and I was sleeping better.  As I write this I’m trying to remember the last time I said “I’m so anxious” and I cant!  What a blessing!  Getting into a routine that involves exercise and new friends has been the best experience for me!  Plus, I learned that I have a knack for picking heavy things up and putting them back down repeatedly!

Have you set any goals or PRs?

My first goal was to flip a tire.  I did that in my second month and I felt like a beast…actually I still do.  #beastmode

What keeps you coming back?

The community.  I’ve never felt so accepted by a group of strangers!  It was very comforting to me as a new member to know that everyone in the box had to work hard every day.

If you could be a professional athlete in any sport, what would it be and why?

I would play in the NBA.  I just love it.  I’m not sure I have an exact answer as to why, but anyway, GO JAZZ!  But, if a professional tire flipping league exists, then I’ll change my answer to that.

We like where this is going! Tell us more:

What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear these words:

WOD: sweat

AMRAP: help!

Mario: meme

If there was a “Tina” WOD, what would it be?

18 Minute AMRAP:

21 Dead lifts

21 Power Cleans

500m row

(all this while Mario is screaming “chest up!” every 30 seconds)

If Crossfit was a product on a shelf, tell us why you would buy it?

Are someone who is searching for a life change?  Someone who desires to be more disciplined and wanting to push yourself toward bigger and better goals?  Someone who likes to be encouraged and personally coached daily?  Or are you simply looking to get out of the house and try to get a bit healthier?  Crossfit is the place for you!  Crossfit will change you in all areas of your life in positive way!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself:

I wrote, produced, and co-directed a short film that was featured in the 2016 Pittsburgh Independent Film Festival.  I have a plaque to prove it!


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