724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127
724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127


By Mario 0

Introducing Alyssa Gargasz!

It’s always fun working with a member that embraces getting stronger with little concern about appearances. Alyssa is a soft-spoken, goal driven member that likes to compare herself to herself all the while getting a little push from her classmates. Alyssa can be found suffering in silence during the 3:30 class on most days; however, you might catch her and her baby boy earlier in the day. I get the pleasure of entertaining the handsome and pleasant little guy! Where I am most impressed with Alyssa is in her ability to smile at me when I am being mean to her. Nothing is going to steal her joy! Always happy to see her! Even when she comes late, and especially when she brings her son!

Getting to know Alyssa:

Where are you from?

Grove City

How long have you done Crossfit?

3 months


What is your favorite movement?

Back squats, front squats, and kettle bell swings

What is your favorite part about Crossfit/least favorite?

My favorite part is the competitiveness within yourself and my least favorite is snatches


How many days a week do you do Crossfit?

3-4 days

What is your favorite song to workout to?

Machinehead by Bush

Let’s get personal:


Where do you work or go to school?

I am a special needs teach at George Junior Republic


Who is your favorite sports team?

Pitssburgh Penguins, Pirates, and Steelers


What class time is your favorite?


What keeps you coming back?

My husband and my children. My three year old asks me everyday if I am going to the gym and I cannot say no.


What would you say to someone considering doing Crossfit?

Do it!

Have you set and goals or hit any PRs?

Back squat 150lbs and I hit a PR recently of 125lbs, bench my own weight, pull ups, jump roping and snatches

What have been your obstacles with fitness?

Nutritional diet and snatches

We like where this is going, tell us more:

What is the first word that comes to mine when you hear these words:
WOD: Yep
Beach: Drinks
Movie: Fast and Furious
Exercise: Sweat
Love: My boys
AMRAP: I got this
Mario: Coach

If there was an ‘Alyssa’ WOD, what would it be?

5 rounds for time EMOM:

Deadlifts/back squats

Kettle bell swings

Row for calories

Knees to bar


If Crossfit were a product on the shelf, tell us why you would buy it?

It is an addiction that makes you feel good about yourself.

 Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

Sometimes I get to bring my one year old to workout with me and he keeps me motivated. Also, I have created and implemented a daily English/reading lesson called the WOD into my teaching, but it is the word of the day.


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