724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127



WOD: Workout of the Day

Although Crossfit combines many other elements, one of the key characteristics is the daily workout, hence the “workout of the day”. These are either done “AMRAP” (see below for definition) in a certain amount of time; or complete a circuit as fast as possible.


Benchmark WOD

Workout that is used as a baseline to measure progress, usually named after girls, such as Fran, Diane, and Grace.

AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible

AMRAP workouts are completed within a fixed time limit in which you need to do As Many Reps (repitions) As Possible. The higher the number, the better!

EMOM: Every Minute, On the Minute

Another type of workout with a fixed time limit is EMOM, or Every Minute On the Minute. You must complete a prescribed number of repetitions of a particular movement at the top of every minute for an allotted amount of time. These workouts are also scored by how many reps you can complete overall, but note that as time continues your rest periods will likely get shorter!

RX: As prescribed

The goal for any crossfitter is to be able to do the workouts RX’ed, or as prescribed. Since Crossfit workouts can be scaled based on abilities  the goal is to work your way up to what the workout is supposed to be like. Examples of scaling could be using a lighter weight, completing less repetitions, using assistance, or substituting a difficult movement for one easier.

PR: Personal Record

With any workout or lift, the goal is to strive for a PR, or Personal Record. This is a great way to measure progress and track results!


C&J: Clean and Jerk
FS:Front Squat
PU: Pull-up

Power Clean
Push Press
Bench Press
Double Under
Wall Ball
Box jump
Muscle Up


Medicine Ball
Speed Rope


BW: Body-weight – using your body-weight for movements such as air squats, push-up, and pull-ups.
RM: Rep Max – maximum amount of weight that you can move for one repetition. It  can also be used as in various increments. For example, a 5RM bench press would be the maximum amount of weight you can at 5 repetitions unbroken.