724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127
724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127


By Mario 0

Getting to know Amy:

Where are you from?

Originally, Moon Twp….but now I live in Slippery Rock

How long have you done Crossfit?

Just over a year

What made you interested in doing Crossfit?

Initially, I contacted Mario about helping our daughter with her swimmers shoulder problems. My husband told me that if I was going to take her there several times a week, I may as well join her. I didn’t think I could do it/keep up…..but, surpisingly, I’m doing ok.

What is your favorite movement?

Anything going overhead….jerks

What is your favorite part about Crossfit? Least favorite?

I guess my favorite part is how it makes me feel….stronger, like I’ve accomplished something, like I’m doing something really good for myself. My least favorite part is burpees.

What was the first WOD you experienced?

 I don’t remember the exact workout…it involved box jumping and jump rope among other things. I only remember thinking I wouldn’t be able to get out of my car when I got home.

How many days a week do you do Crossfit?

2 – 3

What’s your favorite song to workout to?

Anything from the 80’s

Lets get personal:

Where do you go to work or school?

I’m a stay at home mom and take care of our farm

What has Crossfit helped you with most outside of the gym?

Getting some of my strength back that I had when I was younger

What are your long term/short term goals?

Long term, I just want to not look my age (old) and not be so jiggly, flubbery and weak. Short term, to get my core in shape so I can tuck my shirts in again (lol).

Do you have a cheat food?

Lots of them….mostly cookies, chocolate and beer

What class time is your favorite?

10:00 if I’m coming alone….3:30 if I’m coming with my daughter

What keeps you coming back?

Self-improvement. When I first started, I couldn’t even imagine wearing shorts in front of everyone. Now, I can wear shorts confidently (not the teeny tiny ones the other ones wear….but shorts just the same).

What would you say to someone considering doing Crossfit?

Go for it! Don’t go in comparing yourself to others….do what YOU can the best that YOU can. Don’t worry that you can’t do the movements like the others can….it’s not about them….it’s about getting yourself to a better place within your own ability. Trying your best and failing is better than never trying at all. Everyone wants something different out of Crossfit. Stay on your own path. You will leave with a great sense of accomplishment.

Have you set any goals or hit any PRs?

I would like to deadlift 200 lbs. and put 100 lbs. over my head…not sure that either of those will ever happen – but it’s nice to think about

We like where this is going, tell us more:

What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear these words?

 Beach: Vacation

Movie: 9-1/2 Weeks

Exercise: Healthy

Love: Worth it

Mario: Encouraging

If Crossfit was a product on the shelf, tell us why you would buy it?

Proven results. Though it’s not something you can just take out of a box and have “magical” results. You have to put the effort in….but if you do, you won’t be disappointed.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

I went on a date with Franco Harris


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