Introducing Curtiss Hinterleiter! Curtiss (yes he spells his name with 2 esses!…I spelled his name right but not sure if that’s how you spell “s”)…anywho, Curtiss has some big goals and a great deal of courage and motivation behind them. Curtiss was once very much overweight and realized there needed to be a major change in his life and began to take the first steps to changing his lifestyle on his own. It’s a scary road to self-discovery, but like I said, Curtiss has a great deal of courage. After finding some major success and some minor setbacks, Curtiss started looking for some guidance. That’s when we met and talked about how CrossFit could help him achieve his goals. Curtiss is a bright young man with a great future. He can be found putting his all into everything and then after he peels himself off the floor, he will be the first to congratulate the efforts of the others in his class. I look forward to coninuing to work and learn more from and about Curtiss. You should too!
Getting to know Curtis:
How long have you done Crossfit?
4 months
What made you interested in doing Crossfit?
When I started losing weight, I hit a huge plateau and couldn’t pass it, so I decided I needed assistance. Once I got done with my first month, I knew I made the best decision of my life.
What is your favorite/least favorite thing about Crossfit?
My favorite is that the workouts are different everyday and keeps you on your toes. My least favorite would be burpees.
How many days a week do you do Crossfit?
4-5 days on a good week
Lets get personal:
What is your favorite post workout meal?
Lately is has been a whole grain wraps with chicken and spinach.
What are your long term/short term goals?
I’d love to be around 205lbs steady. I am pushing to that so I can join the United States Air Force; those are the only goals on my mind as of recently.
What keeps you coming back?
Mario, he keeps me in check and does everything in his power to help me reach my goals. He has changed my life.
What have been your obstacles with fitness?
My weight. After high school I really let myself go, reaching as high as 310lbs. I felt disgusting and had no energy; now I am floating around 210lbs and I am very close to my goals.
We like where this is going, tell us more:
What is the first word you think of when you hear these words:
WOD: Exciting
Exercise: Health
Mario: Diverse
If there was a ‘Curtis’ WOD, what would it be?
It would be called “Richard” EMOM 25 minutes; 5 push ups, 5 bench press at 85%
If Crossfit were a product on the shelf, tell us why you would buy it?
It is for everyone, no matter your age, your strength, your body, you can do it! If you asked me five years ago, “you want to do Crossfit?,” I’d probably walk away from you. Going to that first class was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am not looking back.