724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127
724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127


By Mario 3

Introducing Eric Weller! Eric is a great fun to work with. Eric at times can come off as soft spoken, but that’s really not the case at all. Eric is a good competitor that likes to weigh and measure each movement before stepping on the throttle. SO if he’s not talking, it’s because he’s contemplating the workout. When Eric first started, we agreed that it would take some time before going overhead because of a previous shoulder injury that caused some range of motion issues. However, since Eric is so thoughtful and determined, he took focused time to work on his shoulders each session and can now perform most of the overhead movements in the gym! Eric can be found in the 4:45 class working his butt off while supporting his wife Amy, and if you’re a friend of his daughter then you might find him on the occasional snap chat story giving workout advice to his family members (unbeknownst to him)!!!

Getting to know Eric:

Where are you from?

Originally Hermitage, but my family and I have resided in Mercer since 1989.

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about Crossfit?

I was tired of the same movements over and over at the gym. I wanted to improve my whole body strength, especially my core. My wife started months before and got me interested in going.

What is your favorite song to workout to?

Gorillaz, Feel Good Inc.

Lets get personal:

What is your favorite post workout meal?

Usually, I am so exhausted it is whatever is placed in front of me.

Where do you work or go to school?

I work for First National Bank, after retiring from the PA State Police after twenty-five years.

What is something we may not know about you?

At one time in my life I was seventy-five pounds heavier and overweight. I decided at that time to lose the weight and I have never put it back on.

What would you say to someone considering doing Crossfit?

DO IT! The first 2-4 sessions are the worst, but you body adjusts and gets stronger.

We like where this is going, tell us more:

What is the first word you think of when you hear these words:

WOD:  Pain

Exercise: Work

AMRAP: Exhaustion

If there was a ‘Eric’ WOD, what would it be?

It would be called ‘Mario,’ brutal!

If Crossfit were a product on the shelf, tell us why you would buy it?

I would buy it because it is such a great form of exercise.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

I do Crossfit to allow me to be a better Fisherman, true story.

Amy Weller

“A better fisherman”…..really?! All kidding aside, great spotlight. I love having him as part of our class.

His loving and competitive wife.


Great article about a great guy! Always a hard worker who strives for the best.

Your long time friend,

Janet Chiappini

I can understand how/why it helps with his casting…..that increased ROM lets him drop that fly like a snowflake!

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