724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127
724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127


By Mario 0

Introducing Haley Morgan! Haley is a a pleasure to coach. She quickly took to the fitness lifestyle and is someone who can set large goals and has the mindset and the discipline to take the careful steps to reach them. She might come off as quiet and shy at first but once she gets comfortable, it’s hard to ignore her energy in the gym. It really doesn’t matter the setting; whether in a large class or flying solo, or even while on vacation, you will always find Haley going all in!


Getting to know Haley:
How long have you done Crossfit?

6 months

What is your favorite/least favorite thing about Crossfit?

My favorite part of Crossfit is the community! Everyone is cheering for each other! The encouragement to do things you never have done or accomplished pushes you to do and try more things. As someone who is trying to lose weight and get healthy; this is a great environment to be in. Soon, you start becoming better at different movements and start having favorite movements. My least favorite part, only sometimes, is how Crossfit surfaces thoughts, feelings, and insecurities of myself. It forces me to confront and move past them. Though, painful when it happens; it is always good in the end!

What was the first WOD you experienced?

The first time I came in, Mario put me through and introductory workout! Key word “introductory”! 250 meter row. then a descending later of 12 ring rows, 12 modified push-ups, 12 air squats. Then nine, then six, then three. Needless to say, after not exercising for 6+ months, I was sore the whole weekend! I came back for more the next Monday. My first two days involved lots of burpees, squats, and deadlifts. Everyone agrees my first two days were a real ringer!

How many days a week do you do Crossfit?

Normally, I go five days a week.

Lets get personal:

Where do you work or go to school?

I work with a Campus Ministry called Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ at Slippery Rock and Clarion Universities.

What has Crossfit helped you with the most outside of the gym?

Crossfit has helped me outside of the gym tremendously. One of my co-workers mentioned it to me before I had even noticed. My mental capacity has increased. I find I get stressed less and things that would overwhelm me don’t. The self-discipline in the gym and commitment to going 5 days a week has helped me to be better at follow through and accomplishing things when I saw I’m going to do them. Also it has helped my general self-confidence and doubting myself less.

If you could be a professional athlete in any sport, what would it be and why?

If I was a foot taller and didn’t mind sand being everywhere, I would want to be a professional beach volleyball player!

Have you set any goals or hit any PRs?

For 2017 I am setting out to accomplish goals in movements that my weight hinders. One being Hollow Hold into Candlestick. Another being a successful butterfly pull-up.

We like where this is going, tell us more:

What is the first word you think of when you hear these words:
WOD: Seriously?!
Love: Box Jumps
Mario: Coach…..the greatest one there ever was! 🙂

If there was a ‘Haley’ WOD, what would it be?
30 cal row
30 box jumps
30 power snatches
30 push ups
30 lunges
30 ab mat sit-ups
30 pull-ups or ring rows
30 wall balls
30 cal row

If Crossfit were a product on the shelf, tell us why you would buy it?

You should join Crossfit because it is an encouraging community that creates an environment to help you reach your goals! If you let it, it will teach you self-discipline and going past what you think are your limitations. And when you commit to whatever your goals might be, you will see the change, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

I met Def Leppard with my mother. Yep.


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