Thursday, January 7, 2016
1. Front Squats:
Every 90 seconds complete,
1 pause front squat (3 sec pause) + 1 front squat
2. Bench Press:
SAME AS ABOVE but with a 2 second pause
Work up to a max effort for the day
100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double Unders
4-8-12-16-20-24-28-32-36-40 reps of
Overhead walking lunges with a plate 45/35
- back squat: 83%x3x10
- front squat: 75%x3x3
- snatch balance no dip: work to a heavy single x 2-3 singles
- snatch balance with a dip: work to a heavy single x 2-3 singles.
exercise 3 and 4 and meant to work together. Perform 2-3 singles with the no dip then as the weight gets heavier and you have to dip, perform 2-3 singles.