724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127
724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

By Mario 0

VIDEO: Phil “Breaking Personal Records” Schneider going for a heavy single in the overhead squat and nailing an all-time best at 290 lbs. The goal was to go heavy without risk of failure, not to max out. While this was a new PR, it’s definitely not a max.


1. Clean and Jerk
Build to a heavy 3-position Clean + Split Jerk
Pos 1: Above knee
Pos 2: Below knee
Pos 3: Ground

2. Barbell Cycling
Use one barbell and change weights during rest period.
4 Snatches + 8 CJ, @ 60% of Snatch 1rm, 2 min rest
3 Snatches + 7 CJ, @ 70% of Snatch 1rm, 2 min rest
2 Snatches + 6 CJ, @ 80% of Snatch 1rm, 2 min rest
1 Snatch + 5 CJ, @ 90% of Snatch 1rm

3. Conditioning
With a Running Clock:
A. At the 0:00
2 RFT:
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
15 C2B Pull ups
B. At the 5:00
2 RFT:
24 Wall Balls, 20/14
12 C2B Pull ups
A. At the 10:00
2 RFT:
18 Wall Balls, 20/14
9 C2B Pull ups


  1. 2 position cleans: 1 from hang (Position 3) 1 from floor.   Work up to (75%x1+1, 80%x1+1, 85%x1+1)2 waves
  2. Front squat +jerk: 1+1 x 6 sets working up to a progressively heavy single.
  3. Clean pulls: work up to 100%x3x2 sets, 105%x3.
  4. Box jumps: 25 reps.
  5. Toes to the bar: 50 reps

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