724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127
724-974-9336 | Grove City, PA 16127

Wednesday, January 6, 2015

By Mario 0


1. Barbell Cycling
Minutes 1 and 5: AMRAP 15 seconds of  Power Snatches 75% of 1rm
Minutes 2 and 6: AMRAP 25 seconds of Hang Power Cleans, 165/115 (you may use the same weight as above for the rest of the movements)
Minutes 3 and 7: AMRAP 15 seconds of Power Jerks, 165/115
Minutes 4 and 8: AMRAP 25 seconds of Front Squats, 165/115

2. Conditioning
5 RFT:
5 Deads, 315/255 (65%)
15 Kipping HSPU


  1. barski cleans+jerk: all 3 cleans are from the launch or hang. Do the 3 cleans then jerk the bar!!! THIS will be tough on the jerk with all that volume of the cleans. Think: dip and DRIVE ON THE JERK!!! Work up to: (70%x3+1, 75%x3+1, 80%x3+1)2
  2. clean deadlifts+ shrug: set up as you would a clean……deadlift the bar to the high hang for 3 reps…..then on the last rep…deadlift to hang and f rom the high hang perform a down and finish (dip and shrug, but do not forget to finish)…..100%x3+1×2, 105%x3+1×2
  3. toes to the bar: 50 reps total.
  4. Seated box jumps: 20 total

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